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A Train Town in Transition

Creative Energy has been assisting tourism and economic development organizations build strategies and messaging support to brand their points of difference for more than a decade. This is a great example of pulling the elements of success together into a successful, cohesive strategy. Here’s a story centered on my hometown…. I was born in a

Top 5 Cultural Mutations in the 2020s

Everything is changing.  That’s what you hear a lot of people talking about in marketing and communications these days.  While it’s true, it probably shouldn’t be as big a surprise as many people have been making it.  Things have been changing dramatically in our industry for the past 20 years.  The fact that things are

Let the Beat Drop

Okay, can we get real for a second? I want you to tell me the last song you listened to. Was it Doja Cat? Bieber? AC/DC? Eminem? Maybe Celine Dion on full blast in your minivan? Now, why did you listen to it? Was it to energize your day? Calm you down? Plow through that