Download Our Top 25 Flavor Trends of 2025 Now!

Our 2024 Menu Trends Report

Creative Energy has been tracking the most important trends affecting foodservice menus for more than three decades. Our annual blog post on the topic is one of our most popular as we   synthesize industry trend data, witnessing top chef presentations and vibes seen on restaurant menus. Thank you. Here’s what you should be tracking for

Rethinking Creativity – How to Have Better Ideas

Creativity: what is this vague imaginative quality that seems to be valued so highly across almost every industry? Some see creativity as an inherent ability that belongs exclusively to artists bending their backs over an easel, but it’s also a tool that accountants and bookkeepers use every day. Creativity, in my eyes, is the ability

Ear Hustle: Is Making a Brand Play in Podcasting Still Paying Out?

In the pulsating heart of Creative Energy, where creativity and strategy collide, we embark on a sonic journey into the realm of podcasting. At Creative Energy, our mission goes beyond traditional marketing. We’re passionate about cultivating brand cultures that not only resonate but thrive in the digital soundscape. Enter the vibrant world of “Ear Hustle,”

Strategies for Surfing the AI Wave

When I first started my agency career, social was the big new wave everyone was trying to figure out how to drop in on. Agencies were figuring out where it fit in their structures. Clients were figuring out if they needed to pay attention to it for the business. Everyone was learning to surf. Every

7 Scream-worthy Marketing Mistakes

Ahh fall is in the air at last! The leaves are turning various shades from golden to bourbon, the pumpkin-spice brigade is out in full force, and cozy nights in are ever more inviting. – That’s all very cute, but here at Creative Energy we’re celebrating the fact that Spooky Season is finally upon us!

How to Increase Customer Counts at Restaurants in 2024

What’s the number one issue facing restaurants heading into a new year? We’re hearing the same question from multiple clients of late. How do I increase my customer count? Here are tips for restaurants as a solution and some helpful ideas from food manufacturers to serve food faster and more efficiently. Building Traffic with Value

Navigating the Digital Landscape: The Essence of Social Media Strategy

One of our generation’s greatest poets once wrote, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Strategy sets the scene for the tale.” While I don’t think Taylor Swift was talking about social media, the idea very much applies! The digital universe is teeming with opportunities, but without a well-defined roadmap, one can easily

S.O.S. (Save Our Sanity): 5 Ways Agencies Rescue Marketers from Burnout

“In a world of marketing madness, where deadlines lurk around every corner and creativity often takes a backseat, the life of a marketer can sometimes feel like a never-ending juggling act. Marketing burnout is a real struggle, and it can leave even the most enthusiastic marketer feeling drained and uninspired. But fear not, dear marketer,

How Center Aisle Brands Can Beat Back Store Brand Encroachment

From my wife to friends and co-workers, the topic of food inflation remains a frequent discussion. As the costs of meat, eggs, and produce have been tamed, products in the center aisle of retailers are another story. “Center aisle products overall have risen by one-third in the past year.” Circana While fresh meats, seafood, and