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Pal’s Sudden Service

It’s Chili Billie Time!

How do you increase chili burger sales by 247% in only one month? You unleash the ultimate chili-loving character. Sporting bibs, trophies and a whole lifestyle dedicated to chili burgers, we created Chili Billie Jones. With his hilarious personality and entertaining backstory, Chili Billie Jones quickly stole peoples’ hearts and filled their stomachs. To promote Chili Billie, we created a television commercial, social media posts, billboards and even signature stickers. The results speak for themselves.

Creative Energy - Pal's Sudden Service - Chili Burger Badge & Trophy Creative Energy - Pal's Sudden Service - Chili Burger Billboard Creative Energy - Pal's Sudden Service - Chili Burger T-shirt and Yard Sign
Creative Energy - Pal's Sudden Service - It's Chili Billie Time!


Case Studies