Big News! We won Ad Age Small Agency of the Year.

Local Business Recovery Fund

(Northeast TN/Southwest VA) – A group of regional business organizations and companies have united to support local businesses severely impacted by the COVID Crisis. The group has established the Local Business Recovery Fund that will share monies received through a fundraising effort with grants to small businesses that are found to be in the greatest

Taking the Lead Amid COVID-19

Like every small business owner, I woke up one morning in March and realized that my world had changed. Even worse, the COVID virus threatened the future of a 28-year old business’ 30+ employees. The helplessness of someone whose heart and soul has been in their business was overwhelming. I smelled panic in the air

What are We Watching During COVID?

While the COVID Crisis is having an absolute chilling effect on business and our own lives, it has been a boon to television. Millions and millions of Americans sheltered in place with not much else to do than have the TV on. I took a dive into some data on what we are watching beyond

TriKindness Community Campaign

Have you felt powerless in fighting the juggernaut called the COVID-19 virus? The past few weeks have been like a gigantic slap in the face of everyone, especially small business. A lifetime of work threatened not by a menacing Germany or Japan of the 1940s but an invisible killer inside our borders and now in

Marketing in The Midst of The Coronavirus

Trade shows and conferences cancelled due to the coronavirus has marketing teams scrambling for alternatives to pressing the flesh with hundreds of potential target customers this year. For manufacturers of industrial or consumer products, the time and costs of cancelling booth and equipment shipments, hotel rooms, and flights, has meant a disruptive mad scramble since

Marketing In Tier 1 Manufacturing

Creating an effective marketing strategy for any brand can be a daunting experience. Understanding your audience, selecting the right position and messaging, and executing a plan that has a positive impact on your business takes a lot of work.  Those problems are made even more difficult when you work in the Tier 1 manufacturing segment—where