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November 4, 2024

How We Build Client Relationships For Decades!

Teresa Treadway

How We Build Client Relationships For Decades!

I was asked recently to make a presentation to a group of public relations professionals on how Creative Energy maintains such strong, long-standing relationships with our clients.  For those relationships of 25+ years, I always laugh and say that I was 16 when we started as it sometimes it makes me feel “well-seasoned” in my career.  

When you really drill down on it, here are a few thoughts that might be helpful as you continue to grow and cultivate your own business relationships.

What Are Their Beliefs? 

How do we speak their language both internally and externally?  For them this important to their continued success.

What Is Their Brand Voice. 

How do we consistently and effectively communicate that to their current and potential customers?

Understanding Their KPI’s.

These can change based on continued marketing and advertising efforts or by project.  You may even find ways to exceed their expectations.  

Unequivocal Nuisances/ Nope, Not Gonna Change.

Our clients are always going to have business and organizational nuances that can make some logical evolutions difficult or impossible. It’s our job to understand these nuances and help our clients find paths for growth that work around their internal challenges.

Be the Brand’s Biggest Cheerleader. 

That’s not just during business hours.  Be happy to talk to others about your clients and their products.

Be a Good Listener.

Sometimes clients just need to talk through challenges.  You may find an opportunity to further expand your relationship.

Be a Thought Leader.

Your clients are busy and knowing you are thinking about them and bringing additional value to table allows them to see you are truly invested.

Owning the Relationship.

Sometimes things can go south, and whether it’s an oversight by you, or even someone on your team.  Expressing sincere apologies and making things right are critical.  Trust and respect are earned and can be easily lost if not managed.

Learn from THEM as much as they learn from YOU.

Very valuable lessons can be learned from both sides of the table.  

Wishing you continued success whether it’s in your own company, your internal team or working with your agency.  And if you don’t have one?  I’m available! 


Download Our Top 25 Flavor Trends Of 2025

The year 2025 will be pivotal in shaping the future of food trends. Shifting consumer behaviors, technological advancements, a new government administration, and global challenges will converge to redefine how we eat, shop, and dine.
