September 8, 2022
Get Out of Your Head
Theo Harris

What happened to heads in the clouds? Or heads in books? Or heads nodding at other heads walking down the street? I’ll tell you what happened. COVID happened. People snatched up canned food and toilet paper and stayed at home. They burrowed in their basements, barricaded their offices, and became Zoom-feeding zombies. Yes, COVID changed us. It made us fearful, anxious, frantic, isolated, and most of all got in our heads.
Nowadays, you walk into a gym and no one talks. No one. No one spots each other for weightlifting. No one acknowledges that kick-butt deadlift. Everyone has headphones on and is in their heads. Workers can be the same way at the office whether in-person or remote. They are glued to headphones and in their own heads. Only talking when asked a question. Why? Because for the longest time we have all been in our heads.
But here’s the real scary part. Even brands are in their own heads. That’s right, brands are stuck in a state of self-serving isolation. Thinking about how they are going to have the best metrics, the most Insta likes or the highest Tik Tok follows. Thinking about how their shelf presence is the only one that matters. Brands have become stuck in their heads like the headphone-wearing gym-goers. Trying to focus on metrics and numbers instead of what matters most: the people that rep them and the world that sustains them.
Yep, I’m telling you straight. Brands need to stop being selfish and sales-driven and get out of their heads. It’s time for brands to lay down roots with communities, serve non-profits and reach outward. There is real, natural power when a brand does this and it also just happens to make the world a better place.
Serve a Bigger Purpose
So how do you do this? Well for starters, create a new initiative that can do good. Maybe it’s giving back to endangered animals with every product purchase, or donating your goods to help victims of domestic abuse. Maybe it’s giving away Christmas trees to families in need at Christmas instead of blowing thousands on your own corporate party or some silly digital dancing Santa sales promotion. Whatever cause you can get behind, it’s time to do it. Get outside your brand’s head and do some good.
Brands Doing It Right
This brand started by donating a pair of shoes to children for every pair purchased. From the start, they focused on donations, and now they give one-third of their profits to grassroots organizations on the frontlines of causes like mental health and ending gun violence.
This clothing company sells a wide variety of clothing items made of eco-conscious fabrics to have a small impact on the world. Their big impact however is that they have planted more than 57 million trees with a goal to plant 1 billion by 2030.
FIGS makes scrubs that can withstand healthcare workers working long shifts. The company also donates a pair of scrubs to healthcare workers in resource-poor countries with every item they sell.
Ben & Jerry’s
From the very beginning of its inception, Ben & Jerry’s has been dedicated to raising awareness and funds for important causes. Through their own Foundation, they donate 7.5% of their annual profits to support grassroots efforts to fight for social justice.
Make Your Own Difference Moral of the story? The world needs more people and brands that get outside their own heads and can help others. If you are looking for ideas on how to help your brand do good in the world, reach out to Creative Energy. We can promote philosophical causes and help you make the world a better place.
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